Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations (CCHA)

The CCHA was created in 2005 by herbalists from across Canada, with the Herbalist Association of NS (HANS) as an active member since its inception.
The CCHA is made up of representatives from each of the provincial herbal associations of Canada; working in support of herbal practitioners and herbalism.

The CCHA acts as an advisory body to the Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) 

Early on, the CCHA created professional standards guidelines for herbal practitioners, which include the following:
Code of Ethics
Code of Practice
Scope of Practice
Educational Standards
Disciplinary Procedures

It is the responsibility of each member association to define and implement specific parameters for their association. This includes but is not exclusive to the requirements listed above. The standards guidance documents can be found on the professional member application page of this website.

Savayda Jarone and Daniel Wiseman are the HANS representative on the CCHA; they attend a yearly in-person meeting, and monthly teleconferences. For more information you can contact them directly. They share a report from the CCHA at each HANS AGM.

Council Members 2023

Katolen Yardley, BC – President

Savayda Jarone, NS – Vice president

Chanchal Cabrera, BC – Secretary, treasurer

Lianna Vargas, ON

Nancy Majoulian, ON

Tatum Andrews, NB

Daniel Wiseman, NS

CCHA Mission Statement

The Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations has been created to unify, promote and serve herbal practitioners through active communication with government, the public, and between all herbalist associations in Canada.

CCHA Mandate

• To establish herbalists as experts on herbs in Canada.
• The CCHA creates and maintains a non-profit organization of representatives of associations that represent herbal practitioners.
• To facilitate unity among associations of herbal practitioners and to ensure the inclusion of herbal practitioners from different traditions.
• The CCHA provides a forum to further the practice of herbal medicine by herbal practitioners in Canada.
• The CCHA guides the various associations in setting standards (education, practice, ethics, etc.) and responds to the inquiries of academia, media, and agencies, to collectively further the aims and goals of herbalism in Canada.
• The CCHA provides national representation of member associations to the provincial and federal governments in discussion of any and all legislation affecting herbal practitioners and legislation of national health products as it affects herbal practitioners.
• To facilitate meetings of representatives of associations that represent herbal practitioners.
• The CCHA council operates by 100% consensus to foster trust and unity.
