In the spring of 2005 the HANS board joined United Plant Savers (UPS) as a group. A portion of your HANS membership will go towards some of the work of UPS. For more information and to become a full member of United Plant Savers please go to: www.unitedplantsavers.org

As a full UPS member, you get a biannual journal that is full of information and very inspirational, biannual bulletins, discounts for herbal events, plants or seeds in the biennial plant give-away program, and an opportunity to participate in the botanical sanctuary program.

Species At-Risk
For the benefit of the plant communities, wild animals, harvesters, farmers, consumers, manufacturers, retailers and practitioners, UPS offer this list of wild medicinal plants which it feels are currently most sensitive to the impact of human activities. The intent is to assure the increasing abundance of the medicinal plants that are currently in decline due to expanding popularity and shrinking habitat and range. UPS is not asking for a moratorium on the use of these herbs. Rather, it is initiating programs designed to preserve these important wild medicinal plants.

“At-Risk” List
American Ginseng – Panax quinquefolius
Black Cohosh – Actaea racemosa (Cimicifuga)
Bloodroot – Sanguinaria canadensis
Blue Cohosh – Caulophyllum thalictroides
Echinacea – Echinacea spp.
Eyebright – Euphrasia spp.
False Unicorn Root – Chamaelirium luteum
Goldenseal – Hydrastis Canadensis
Lady’s Slipper Orchid – Cypripedium spp.
Lomatium – Lomatium dissectum
Osha – Ligusticum porteri, L. spp.
Peyote – Lophophora williamsii
Sandalwood – Santalum spp. (Hawaii only)
Slippery Elm – Ulmus rubra?Sundew – Drosera spp.
Trillium, Beth Root -Trillium spp.
True Unicorn – Aletris farinose
Venus’ Fly Trap – Dionaea muscipula
Virginina Snakeroot – Aristolochia serpentaria
Wild Yam – Dioscorea villosa, D. spp.
“To-Watch” List
Arnica – Arnica spp.
Butterfly Weed – Asclepias tuberosa
Cascara Sagrada – Frangula purshiana (Rhamnus)
Chaparro – Casatela emoryi
Elephant Tree – Bursera microphylla
Gentian – Gentiana spp.?Goldthread – Coptis spp.
Kava Kava – Piper methysticum (Hawaii only)
Lobelia – Lobelia spp.
Maidenhair Fern – Adiantum pendatum
Mayapple – Podophyllum peltatum
Oregon Grape – Mahonia spp.
Partridge Berry – Mitchella repens
Pink Root – Spigelia marilandica
Pipsissewa – Chimaphila umbellate
Spikenard – Aralia racemosa, A. californica
Stone Root – Collinsonia Canadensis
Stream Orchid – Epipactis gigantean
Turkey Corn – Dicentra Canadensis
White Sage – Salvia apiana
Wild Indigo – Baptisia tinctoria
Yerba Mansa – Anemopsis californica

Two exciting programs in place with United Plant Savers are “Partners in Education” and “Botanical Sanctuary Network.”
Botanical Sanctuary Network
United Plant Savers’ vision is to see UPS Botanical Sanctuaries established in people’s backyards, farms and woodlands, creating a living greenway of native medicinal plants across the landscape of North America. A sanctuary isn’t defined by size or magnitude, but as sacred space, a place where one can find protection and the peace and renewal of nature. Nor is sanctuary designated or defined by government agencies or large organizations, though often we think of it as such. We can all create sanctuary on the land we care-take. As its sanctuary members are demonstrating, botanical sanctuaries can be created in small backyards as well as on large plots of wilderness; in towns as well as in the country. As you know, it takes an attitude, willingness, and a desire to transform the way we value land, our assumptions about land use, and the way we design our gardens and farms. If we want to preserve wilderness and actively participate in the preservation and restoration effort, as good a place to start as any is in our backyards. And that is what you’re doing. That is what the Sanctuary Network program is all about.

Partners in Education-One Seed at a Time
Join United Plant Savers in creating a greener, healthier world through education about the conservation of our native medicinal plants. UPS offers a special student membership fee of $20 per student for all herbal schools, apprentice programs and training courses that enrol their students as a group. Each student receives a UPS membership package with all the benefits–informative journals and bulletins, Nursery Bulk Herb Directory, free plant/seed give-away twice a year, membership discounts at UPS conferences and more. When your school/program joins Partners in Education it will receive the UPS Educational Presentation Guide, a copy of the UPS book “Planting the Future”, use of the UPS slide show and video, a listing in both the UPS Journal and website, guidance from experienced educators and the opportunity to make a difference–One Seed at a Time.
